is committed to ensuring the highest level of protection of your personal data, in compliance with European data protection legislation (GDPR). On this page you will find all the information related to the collection, use and security of your data.

If you have any questions regarding the protection of your data, you can contact us by email: service.client

For all our services, the data controller (the company responsible for your personal data) is www.bijoux-antilles.com
To summarize our privacy policy:

• Your data is protected.
• Your data is only used to improve your experience on our website.
• You can choose your contact preferences.
• We do not store your data longer than necessary.

The legal basis on which we rely
European data protection legislation defines the different reasons why a company may collect and process your personal data, and under what conditions, including:


We can only collect and process your data with your consent. For example, when you subscribe to our newsletter, you must tick a box to accept the collection of your email address.
When collecting your personal data, we will always clearly specify which data is collected and for what purposes.

Contractual obligations

Your personal data may be collected in order to comply with our contractual obligations. For example, the items we collect during the registration process such as your name or mailing address, allow us to deliver your order, providing this information to our carriers.

Legal compliance As part of our business activity, we are legally required to collect certain data about buyers of our products. Legitimate interest We may need to collect your data as part of our legitimate interest, that is, to enable us to conduct our business and manage our business. This should not affect your rights, freedom or interests. For example, when we use your purchase history to offer you personalized offers. Or when we combine the purchase history of different anonymized customers, to identify trends, develop our range of products and services and make sure we offer you a pleasant and efficient shopping experience. Or when we use your details to send you information about products and services that may be of interest to you.